Natural n down to earth. My motto of living is to enjoy every moment of life. I know the joy that comes from feeling closer to someone than I’ve ever felt before. Because you are my love, I know the passion of wanting to share everything I have, everything I am with you and only you. Because you are my friend, I know that I can count on you to hold my hand through the rough times and to be there to share the good times, too. Because you are my friend, I’ll always have someone to make me smile; just when I need it most, to encourage me when I’m feeling confused or doubtful. And I know that I must be one of the luckiest people in the world to have someone like you the perfect love, the perfect friend.
What can i say ? If you people love me then I dont think I need to explain myself. Answer is again a simple question – why you say me friend ? And for those who dont know me and hadn’t seen me – I m finding myself, my personal identity and me which i can say with pride -Ive made it. If this happens i mean i succeeds in finding me, you will know me without my explanations, otherwise….
Who cares about a drop of blood in the whole network of artereis and veins in a body.
More what i can say is we people are in this world for a while and for the instant we we are all alone if we don’t have FRIENDS.
I m…………………
10% Silly (sOmEtiMes I mAkE SilLy miStAkEs)
20% liAr ..
40% coNfidEnt
45% nAugHty
50% a tRue friEnd
60% kiNd
65% loYal
75% joLly
80% swEet
85% eleGant
90% chaRming
95% shArp
100% saTisfied wIth my liFe
I m here for good friends.
Take care whoever reads this.